
East of the Cascades VS West of the Cascades

StoryHelix, Wordcrafters in Eugene, Leah Velez, Intro and Outro Music by Otis McDonald Season 1 Episode 20

This community member talks about her family's origin story in Oregon, and the sharp distinction that the changes in the environment had on her, when crossing to this side of the Cascades.

You can read more about the project, about Wordcrafters in Eugene, about our sponsors and community partners, and send in your own Lane County, Oregon stories at StoryHelix.Wordcrafters.Org.

Thanks for listening!

 00:00:05.800 --> 00:00:11.000
 You're listening to StoryHelix, intertwining
 stories past, present and not yet imagined
 00:00:11.279 --> 00:00:15.800
 in Lane County, Oregon. What's
 up, earthlings? I'm Leah Velez and
 00:00:15.839 --> 00:00:21.199
 I'll be your host. The stories that
 follow our raw footage. So let's open
 00:00:21.239 --> 00:00:30.480
 up our ear nuggets and give these
 community submitted stories listen. 
 00:00:30.519 --> 00:00:36.920
I was born in Flagstaff, Arizona. My Mom
 was raised in Idaho and then moved to
 00:00:36.960 --> 00:00:41.640
 Flagstaff, and then my dad was
 raised in Oregon in like Myrtle Creek,
 00:00:41.640 --> 00:00:48.390
 at tiny town south of Roseberg, but
 they met at college and so I suspect
 00:00:48.790 --> 00:00:51.600
 that that's how we ended up back
 in Oregon, as my dad was from
 00:00:51.640 --> 00:00:55.159
 here. So I was born in
 Flagstaff, Arizona because my dad was going
 00:00:55.240 --> 00:00:59.520
 to school and he would have been
 really perfectly happy, just like coming back
 00:00:59.560 --> 00:01:02.960
 to Myrtle Creek. I'm working in
 like a mill. But my mom was
 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:06.790
 the one that was like no,
 you have to go to college, you
 00:01:06.120 --> 00:01:11.959
 know. So he got his first
 job as a high school counselor? Maybe not
 00:01:11.400 --> 00:01:15.480
 his first job. I think maybe
 he taught in Arizona for a little while,
 00:01:15.519 --> 00:01:19.599
 while too, but he got a
 job in Klamath Falls, Oregon,
 00:01:19.359 --> 00:01:23.200
 and the funny thing about it is
 like Klamath Falls is so different from where
 00:01:23.239 --> 00:01:26.719
 he grew up. It's like east
 side of the cascades versus west side of
 00:01:26.719 --> 00:01:30.239
 the cascades. It's like he grew
 up in like green, luscious, wet,
 00:01:32.120 --> 00:01:34.319
 you know, Oregon, and then
 they moved to like this desert that's
 00:01:34.359 --> 00:01:40.159
 just like brown, but they stayed
 there the rest of their lives. That's
 00:01:40.159 --> 00:01:44.239
 how I ended up in Oregon.
 How I ended up in Eugene was my
 00:01:44.359 --> 00:01:49.719
 younger sister moved here. My sister
 is still here. She was the first
 00:01:49.719 --> 00:01:53.599
 one to get married and start having
 kids, and so it was my first
 00:01:53.599 --> 00:02:00.120
 experience of being an aunt and I
 really wanted to be around my nephew
 00:02:00.159 --> 00:02:05.400
 when he was born. I had
 visited Eugene in high school with my high
 00:02:05.439 --> 00:02:08.599
 school choir teacher because I was part
 of a music competition thing, and when
 00:02:08.639 --> 00:02:13.159
 I came here, I remember we
 went to Fifth Street Market and I just
 00:02:13.199 --> 00:02:17.800
 remember being like blown away, like
 there's all these restaurants with food from all
 00:02:17.800 --> 00:02:23.759
 over the world and there was just
 like nothing like that in my little hometown.
 00:02:23.319 --> 00:02:27.199
 So I just kind of remember tucking
 that away of like, Oh, this
 00:02:27.319 --> 00:02:31.400
 place! It just felt like so
 like cultured or something compared to like Klamath
 00:02:31.439 --> 00:02:36.120
 Falls. I was happy to move
 here and I ended up finishing getting my
 00:02:36.199 --> 00:02:39.840
 masters at the U of O, but
 only because my sister lived here and I
 00:02:39.879 --> 00:02:45.960
 wanted to be close to my nephew. And so coming to Eugene, I
 00:02:46.000 --> 00:02:47.840
 don't know, I just felt like
 I could be outside here.
 00:02:49.800 --> 00:02:53.319
 And I also struggle with the rain, I think like everybody else, struggles
 00:02:53.319 --> 00:02:57.439
 with the rain to some extent,
 but I don't know. The Green.
 00:02:57.759 --> 00:03:01.120
 The thing that strikes me about the
 green over here as it almost becomes like
 00:03:01.400 --> 00:03:07.199
 gray. It almost becomes like the
 neutral color or something until spring, and
 00:03:07.240 --> 00:03:10.960
 then when spring comes, there's like
 a brand new color of green that comes
 00:03:12.390 --> 00:03:15.800
 up that's like brighter and lighter,
 and then you're like, Oh, green!
 00:03:15.639 --> 00:03:19.159
 Even though you've been seeing green all
 winter. You know what I mean?
 00:03:19.199 --> 00:03:23.479
 It just becomes like this kind of
 neutral palette. I love the green.
 00:03:23.120 --> 00:03:28.680
 It makes the rain worth it.
 I don't feel so attached to Eugene.
 00:03:28.960 --> 00:03:34.800
 I've lived in like a handful of
 places and I've loved them all, and
 00:03:34.919 --> 00:03:38.680
 so I don't at all feel like
 I'm going to live here the rest of
 00:03:38.719 --> 00:03:43.439
 my life. It makes sense to
 live here because I love my job so
 00:03:43.560 --> 00:03:49.120
 much, but my husband works in
 Portland. So two to three days a
 00:03:49.120 --> 00:03:53.319
 week he's driving up to Portland and
 so there's times when I think like I
 00:03:53.319 --> 00:04:06.719
 could live somewhere else and be happy. Thanks for listening. You can find
 00:04:06.800 --> 00:04:12.719
 us wherever you listen to your podcasts. If you've got your own Lane County
 00:04:12.759 --> 00:04:16.839
 Story to tell, we'd love to
 hear it at StoryHelix Dot WordCrafters Dot Org

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