
The Legare Series: Misael, Part 5

StoryHelix, Misael Legare, Wordcrafters in Eugene, Leah Velez, Intro and Outro Music by Otis McDonald Season 1 Episode 18

In this final episode of the Legare 5 episode mini-series, Misa Legare talks a little about bike riding in Eugene and Springfield. He is being interviewed by his partner, Serenity, whose story is showcased in previous episodes.

You can read more about the project, about Wordcrafters in Eugene, about our sponsors and community partners, and send in your own Lane County, Oregon stories at StoryHelix.Wordcrafters.Org.

Thanks for listening!

 00:00:09.320 --> 00:00:14.759
 You're listening to StoryHelix:
 intertwining stories past, present and not yet
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 imagined in Lane County, Oregon.
 What's up, earthlings! I'm Leah Velez,
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 and I'll be your host. The
 story we're about to hear was recorded at
 00:00:24.320 --> 00:00:30.790
 Oakshire Brewing Company in the Whiteaker neighborhood
 of Eugene, Oregon, in early 2022.
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  Let's open up our ear nuggets and give
 it a listen. I want to get
 00:00:41.390 --> 00:00:44.920
 back into riding my bike. It's
 just a lot easier when, you know, you're
 00:00:45.119 --> 00:00:49.840
 you're forced to for going to work
 and commuting. It's easier to make
 00:00:49.840 --> 00:00:53.390
 yourself do it when you have to go
 do something, versus doing it for fun.
 00:00:53.359 --> 00:00:58.790
 But there's a lot of fun moments. I was always in a
 00:00:58.200 --> 00:01:03.200
 zen mode...when you're riding
 your bike and it's after work, when it's
 00:01:03.280 --> 00:01:07.640
 dark... and riding from Eugene back to
 Springfield... and riding the bike trails is very
 00:01:07.719 --> 00:01:11.760
 dark. So I always make it a point
 to go as fast as I can.
 00:01:11.959 --> 00:01:15.359
 So if somebody wanted to hurt
 me, they're gonna have to stop a
 00:01:15.599 --> 00:01:22.239
 two fifty pound person on a bike.
 But you know, there's a lot of
 00:01:22.280 --> 00:01:26.959
 like cool moments of riding in the
 rain. You're just by yourself and there's nobody
 00:01:26.000 --> 00:01:30.120
 around and it's just kind of fun, you know, especially when you're
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 like, you're warmed up and you're really
 going. You don't really feel cold if
 00:01:34.879 --> 00:01:38.519
 you're wearing the right equipment. It
 feels good. Feels... I feel kind of
 00:01:38.640 --> 00:01:46.879
 Zen. Especially commuting by car now mostly,  I catch myself being angry at
 00:01:46.879 --> 00:01:49.439
 other drivers, versus, you know,
 back riding my bike... it's definitely, you know,
 00:01:49.480 --> 00:01:56.159
 I had a lot of better experiences...
 not being so angry. [Misa laughs] Other than
 00:01:56.200 --> 00:02:00.790
 cars trying to... not paying attention on
 the road, and constantly almost being hit.
 00:02:01.319 --> 00:02:04.640
 That's why I got a dash camera
 on my bike at one point because
 00:02:04.680 --> 00:02:07.480
 it just happened so many times,
 and I even made a little, uh,
 00:02:07.159 --> 00:02:23.919
 montage video of almost being hit. [Misa laughs, Serenity says: Yeah, that's a thing...]
 00:02:23.960 --> 00:02:29.390
 Thanks for listening. You can find us wherever you listen to your podcasts. If you've got your own Lane County story
 00:02:29.390 --> 00:02:32.879
 to tell, we'd love to hear
 it at!

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