

August 30, 2022 StoryHelix, Wordcrafters in Eugene, Leah Velez, Intro and Outro Music by Otis McDonald Season 1 Episode 21
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Aug 30, 2022 Season 1 Episode 21
StoryHelix, Wordcrafters in Eugene, Leah Velez, Intro and Outro Music by Otis McDonald

This community member talks about what home should feel like.

You can read more about the project, about Wordcrafters in Eugene, about our sponsors and community partners, and send in your own Lane County, Oregon stories at StoryHelix.Wordcrafters.Org.

Thanks for listening!

Show Notes Transcript

This community member talks about what home should feel like.

You can read more about the project, about Wordcrafters in Eugene, about our sponsors and community partners, and send in your own Lane County, Oregon stories at StoryHelix.Wordcrafters.Org.

Thanks for listening!

 00:00:05.800 --> 00:00:10.960
 You're listening to StoryHelix, intertwining
 stories past, present and not yet imagined
 00:00:11.279 --> 00:00:15.800
 in Lane County, Oregon. What's
 up, earthlings? I'm Leah Velez and
 00:00:15.839 --> 00:00:21.199
 I'll be your host. The stories that
 follow our raw footage. So let's open
 00:00:21.239 --> 00:00:30.879
 up our our nuggets and give these
 community submitted stories a listen. 
 00:00:31.000 --> 00:00:35.560
I've lived here  my entire life. I was born
 here. My family has lived in Eugene
 00:00:36.640 --> 00:00:45.790
 ever since I could remember. So
 I think they chose this place because,
 00:00:46.560 --> 00:00:49.640
 I don't know, it's a good
 place to be and it rains a lot.
 00:00:50.479 --> 00:00:55.359
 I like the rain. There's a
 lot of trees and the air is
 00:00:55.399 --> 00:01:00.640
 really clean and we don't have a
 lot of like overpopulation and it's not really
 00:01:00.679 --> 00:01:07.400
 overpopulated and it's not like the cheapest
 place to live, but it's also not
 00:01:07.790 --> 00:01:10.840
 the most expensive place to live.
 So I think that was a really big
 00:01:10.879 --> 00:01:19.719
 factor for my family. But they've
 just always lived here, so. I struggled
 00:01:19.760 --> 00:01:27.959
 a lot with my relationship with my
 mother after she got married and living with
 00:01:29.400 --> 00:01:33.280
 her. Her house did not feel
 like home and I just didn't feel at
 00:01:33.319 --> 00:01:42.680
 home in general. But living with
 my grandparents is also kind of a struggle,
 00:01:42.359 --> 00:01:48.519
 just because our apartment is so small
 and we're just so close to each
 00:01:48.519 --> 00:01:56.280
 other constantly. We get into arguments
 a lot and it's really hard to feel
 00:01:56.280 --> 00:02:05.790
 at home when it's like 90% fighting and
 yelling, 10% love and affection. I
 00:02:05.120 --> 00:02:09.759
 don't know, I feel like love-- I feel like home is somewhere where
 00:02:09.759 --> 00:02:16.120
 you can be comfortable and like in
 your own space, you feel nice,
 00:02:16.879 --> 00:02:23.319
 you're not surrounded by people who just
 want to yell at you. So No,
 00:02:23.400 --> 00:02:30.919
 I don't think so. My life
 definitely has not been easy. My
 00:02:30.000 --> 00:02:36.199
 Dad left when I was really young. He's been in prison my life
 00:02:37.280 --> 00:02:44.390
 and my mom kind of just threw
 me away because I told her I didn't
 00:02:44.800 --> 00:02:49.879
 want to live in a house with
 her and her husband because her husband is
 00:02:50.319 --> 00:02:59.120
 literally abusive and gave me so much
 PTSD. My grandparents mostly raised me and
 00:02:59.400 --> 00:03:04.240
 made me who I am as a
 person. I sort of had to develop
 00:03:04.319 --> 00:03:13.240
 my morals on my own, because
 nobody around me really has morals that I
 00:03:13.280 --> 00:03:20.120
 see as correct. Like, they're all
 biased in some way and none of us
 00:03:20.400 --> 00:03:29.240
 really have a valid opinion, because
 opinions aren't facts. But life is hard
 00:03:29.439 --> 00:03:40.759
 and experiencing shitty things just makes life
 life. Like you can't just live your
 00:03:40.800 --> 00:03:46.800
 life without something bad happening to you
 at least once. Something bad always happens
 00:03:46.840 --> 00:03:53.599
 to everyone. Everything that I've endured
 and had to put up with makes up
 00:03:53.599 --> 00:03:58.390
 who I am as a person,
 makes up how I act towards others,
 00:03:59.360 --> 00:04:05.479
 makes up how I react towards things
 other people do. Everything I've experienced just
 00:04:06.400 --> 00:04:19.639
 makes me me. Thanks for listening. You can find us wherever you listen
 00:04:19.680 --> 00:04:25.240
 to your podcasts. If you've got
 your own Lane County story to tell,
 00:04:25.560 --> 00:04:29.720
 we'd love to hear it at StoryHelix Dot WordCrafters dot org.